Monday, October 22, 2012

Not All Books and Studying!

If you think school is all working, studying, and just plain boring think again! Have you ever gotten involved in the school activities? If you do activities such as Dance Team, Student Government, Peer Med, and so much more you may just find school more fun and exciting! Joining activities at school can expand your interests and change your aspect of the electives and the clubs. This can also help you meet new people and create more friends throughout the school year!     

Activities At Policita
The school activities or clubs at this school are all very interesting. There is photography: they take pictures all around the school and put them in the yearbook. There is computer art in which the teachers teach them how to do art on the computer, and another art class where you learn how to draw beyond stick figures: you learn how to paint, draw, sketch, color, and how to do three dimensional art!
After school there is the Dance Team & at least twice a year they have tryouts. They even perform for the school and later on for Jefferson High School. There is also regular dance class but it is during the school day. In Band you can learn how to play an instrument, read and create music. Peer Med does Red Ribbon week,
in which they educate us on how drugs can be bad, and do fun activities such as a haunted house, an annual turkey trot, and many more. Student Government does most of the activities such as holding dances, doing LTAS, and spirit days. You can also join sports such as volleyball and basketball. There is also our afterschool Mobile Media Club which helps and teaches students how to make blogs, apps, and videos!
Possible Activities
Some activities I think should exist are Glee Club, Student-Lead Dance Club, Cooking Club, and Cheerleading. I think Glee Club should exist because we have Dance Team, Dance Class, and Band so why not a singing club?! I think people who like to sing should also be able to practice their voice and perform in front of people. I think we should have a Student-Lead Dance Team for students who want to create their own dance routines. If we had this club maybe more people will be more into dance! We should also have a Cooking Club for people who love to cook and for those who want to learn how. I think we should have Cheerleading as a club to show school spirit for when we have rallies, Basketball Games, or Volleyball Games. Students who like to cheer, dance, or are who are flexible can join this club!

If you still think school is boring, there are so many more clubs around the school that you can join (or start!) Don’t be shy or scared and try something new! School can be a fun place if you make it fun!
~M & B

Monday, October 15, 2012

Online Friend vs. School Friend

“Friends” for youth today have multiple meanings. There are the traditional friends that one makes at school and there are virtual friends that only meet online on websites like Facebook, Instagram or Playstation 3.

How are online friends different from school friends?
F: Online and school friends, they’re the same. 
N: You can communicate with online friends all the time even though they aren’t physically around.
E: I can trust a school friend, and even better, play basketball with them.

How many friends do you have on Facebook or Instagram?
F: 252 total friends - 152 online, 100 school
N: 503 total friends - 9 online, 494 school
E: 203 total friends - 103 online, 100 school
Go school friends!  :D

Which do you prefer?
F: School friends are better because I can play basketball with them.
N: I like school friends because I can see their expressions.
E: I like having my friends online so I can chat with them and play games with them outside of school.

Have you ever deleted a friend?
N: Yes, I have deleted a friend because they were being annoying.

Has anyone ever deleted you as a friend?
E: No, because they respect me the way I respect them. 

~ E, F, & N

Friday, October 5, 2012

How to Survive Middle School: Tips from 8th Graders

Hey 6th graders, if you want to know how to survive the crazy life at Thomas R. Pollicita Middle School, then take a look at these tips from some experienced 8th graders. There will be many problems that you will face but that’s ok, because everybody at school faces all sorts of problems and there may be someone who has experienced what you are going through.

  • Middle school is nothing compared to elementary school, it has a different atmosphere and rules. Here, the teachers expect you to be more mature and responsible. For example, you are expected to get to all of your classes within three minutes or your teacher will lock the door on you and give you detention.
  • Get to know your teachers. To get a good start on the school year, your teachers are always the way to go. The more you know your teachers and the more they know you, the more they will push you and help you do well in school.
  • Be active! If you want your face to be all over the yearbook, you need to get involved in activities like Dance Team, Lunch Team, After School Program, and Student Government. The more activities you do, the more fun school will be. (Hint: If you do get active, you might get Student of the Month and then you get to go on the Spirit Trip for FREE!!!)
  • Spirit Days or LTA’s (Lunch Time Activities) are good ways to get Spirit Points. Spirit Points are school dollars that you can use to go on the Spirit Trip. If you get 1,000 Spirit Points you go on the Spirit Trip which is to........Six Flags!!!
  • School dances are not like the types you see on TV where they slow dance and stuff like that. The dances at the school can get kind of wild. Some people dance crazy and out of control. Don’t try to dance like a robot or do any weird dances or everybody will look at you and think you are weird. You don’t need to have a date to go to the dance. It really doesn’t matter if you're going alone, just have fun. (Hint: Bring at least $10 to spend on food.)
  • Don’t litter around the school. If you get caught, then you will have to clean up the trash around the entire school.
  • Don’t talk back to any teachers or staff at school or they will give you work to do or give you detention. 

Listen, things might be rough at times but they will pass soon like an old rumor. Everything will be worth it at the end and you will have more fun at this school then having bad things happen. Follow the advice we just gave and you will make it out alive!

~A, B, J & M

Mobile Media Club at Pollicita Middle School

Welcome to T.R.P. Middle School’s first blog site! This is a creation of the school’s Mobile Media Club (MMC), an after-school program organized by P.I.E. Alliance (PACE’s Initiative for Education). The club was formed to bridge the digital divide by bringing technology instruction to the students at T.R.P. The MMC members will participate in a number of technology-driven projects, such as blogging, creating a mobile app for the school, video and photography, and online social networking.

Throughout the school year, the students will regularly post blogs revolving around life at T.R.P. and beyond, such as school events (sports, dances, etc.), balancing schoolwork with family and friends, how students are affected by local and world events, issues such as bullying and peer pressure, and much more.

We hope you find these blogs to be informative, thought-provoking and entertaining. Please check back from time to time to learn about the latest news, events and student life at T.R.P!