Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Student Profile of Zakk

Student Profile

Name: Zakk

Grade: 7th

Favorite Subject: Language Arts

Favorite food: Pizza

Favorite band/artist: Drake

Favorite sports team: San Francisco Giants

Favorite book: Diary of a Wimpy Kid

I would travel to: Philippines

How I can make TRP a stronger school: Be nice to everyone I see and interact with

Fun Fact: He likes social media

Teacher Profile of Robert Schmitz Social Studies teacher at TRP Middle School

Teacher Profile

Name: Robert Schmitz

Grade: 6th

Subject: Social Studies

Where I went to school: TRIP

Favorite food: Burmese

Favorite band/artist: Bruce Springsteen

Favorite sports team: Pittsburg Steelers

Favorite book: The Grapes of Wrath

I would travel to: Australia

Advice for students: Set goals and work hard to achieve them

Fun Fact: Attempt to play the Native American Flute and loves to travel.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Teacher Profile of Christian Portillo Math and Science teacher at TRP middle school

Name: Christian Portillo

Grade: 6th

Subject: Math and Science

Where I went to school: San Francisco State

Favorite food: Pizza

Favorite band/artist: Nirvana

Favorite sports team: Oakland Raiders

Favorite book: The Odyssey

I would travel to: Paris France

Advice for students: If you’re successful early, you’ll be successful later on in life

Fun Fact: 1st team for baseball

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Fire Alarm Issues

  On October 31, 2013, there was a fire alarm at Thomas R Pollicita middle school. It was really time consuming. Some people hated it. Some people loved it because it was a chance to miss class. The first bell was surprising and happened during sixth period. We all left the building. We went to the blacktop to sit and wait. Lots of people were confused and chatting with other people asking, “What’s happening?” We all went outside and the principal asked all of us who pulled the alarm, and we learned that maybe it was a joke. We stayed there for about ten minutes. Just sitting down. He told us that if it rings again, don’t evacuate, just continue with class. When we we went back, the bell rung, which meant that we needed to go to seventh period. When we went to seventh period, 5 minutes later, the fire alarm rung again. The intercom told us that it’s just a false alarm and not to worry. Few seconds later, it rings again, and the intercom told us to, “Evacuate the building.” So we went out again, and stayed at the blacktop. It lasted for twenty minutes. 
By Chelsea S-8th grader

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Please Submit 1 of the 2 by Sunday October 13

How do I get started? Submit 1 of the 2 options

#1 - a tweet about “how you would best promote TRP” (be sure to #DesignedByYouth #TRPollicitaMMC)

#2 - email a 200 word description about what you’d blog about,

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Digitial Media Club Starts Monday October 7th

Do you Blog, use YouTube or Tweet?
Join the Digital Media Club
Help promote TRP on social media
What’s in it for you!
  • Front of line lunch pass
  • Spirit points
  • Free food
  • Field Trips
  • Be more involved
  • & other privileges

When: Lunch 5th period - Mondays & Wednesdays

Where: Room 63 - Mr. Lalata

How do I get started? Visit us and see what it’s all about.

Questions? Come on by and ask.