Wednesday, December 18, 2013

No more Selfie's

Stop the Selfie Madness

Photo by Kris V
Column by Adrianne B

#Selfie. It's everywhere. It's on Instagram, twitter, all those social media websites. Everyone does it, but nobody knows where it came from. It could have come from a crazy dude in a Santa hat lip-synching to Katy Perry, we don't know! And you, reading this, don't tell me you never took a selfie before! We all know you have. Tell me you have NEVER walked somewhere, saw your reflection, and checked yourself out than took a selfie? That’s what I thought. I bet you just scrolled through all your photos which consisted of… hmmm… I don’t know a million selfies? Now I’m not saying selfies are terrible, it’s just you can’t take them every three minutes!  You could be in New Zealand for all I know. So, let’s get to the point here. Do. Not. Take. Too. Many. Selfies.
Did you notice how I paused after each word there? Pretty cool huh? Yeah? No? Okay. So instead of selfies, do something else like: go roller-skating in the Grand Canyon, ride a Llama into the sunset, bathe in a tub full of oranges. Wait, don’t do the last one, it’s illegal. Anyways I hope I either made you laugh or realize how many selfies you take. Goodbye child. Wait that sounds creepy, I’ll just go for now. Bye!!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Student Profile of Marielle

Name: Marielle

Grade: 6th

Favorite Subject: Language Arts

Favorite food: Pepperoni Pizza

Favorite band/artist: Little Mix and 5th Harmony

Favorite sports team: San Francisco 49er's

Favorite book: "After Magazine"

I would travel to: Ireland and Europe

How I can make TRP a stronger school: By being 110% nice
Fun Fact: She likes to play video games

Student Profile of Elizabeth

Name: Elizabeth

Grade: 6th

Favorite Subject: Math

Favorite food: Enchiladas

Favorite band/artist: Demi Lovato

Favorite sports team: Golden State Warriors

Favorite book: Charlotte’s Web

I would travel to: Los Angeles

How I can make TRP a stronger school: Stop bullying by standing up to the bullies
Fun Fact: She likes to sing

Is Bullying still an issue?

 Our perspectives on the issue
Marco- Yes bullying is still an issue because people judge before they get to know one another. Kids judge each other by what clothes they're wearing and if they're not wearing the right clothes, they may be bullied. My solution to stop bullying is to show the bullies what will happen if they keep bullying.

Diane- I think bullying is still a problem, because it leads to suicide and leaves a scar on the victim. Being judged for your looks, getting beaten up for being weak and spreading rumors can really hurt a person. My solution to stop bullying is to have people put themselves in the shoes of others.

Ralph, Elizabeth and Kaylen- We've seen people fist fight, cyberbully, feel outcasted or alone and feel like they can't do anything anymore. Our solutions to stop bullying are: Stand up for kids if they're getting bullied, tell an adult or teacher if someone is getting bullied, make the victim feel better, confront the bully in a positive way.

Teacher Profile of Jojo Lalata at TRP Middle School

Name: Jojo Lalata

Grade: 7th/8th

Subject: Science

Where I went to school:  University of San Francisco

Favorite food: Chocolate chip cookies

Favorite band/artist: Too many to mention

Favorite sports team: San Francisco Giants and 49er’s

Favorite book: Island of the Blue Dolphins

I would travel to: Italy

Advice for students: Give yourself every opportunity to be successful and the best way to do that is to get an education.

Fun Fact: Mentor for the Digital Media Club

One Direction-Midnight Memories By Catherine and Alexia


One Direction is going in a new direction! They released their 3rd album called “Midnight Memories” on November 25, 2013.The deluxe version of “Midnight Memories” contains 18 songs.
    For those of you who don’t know who One Direction is , which is really sad, like have you been living under a rock? They are a singing boy band from the UK. They recently released a movie called “This Is Us”. Their new album is said to be more “rocky and edgy” than their first album “Up All Night” and their sophomore album “Take Me Home.”
    The first track on the CD, “Best Song Ever”, was first released to promote “This Is Us”. Then, it was later added to “Midnight Memories as the lead single. It won Best Song of Summer at the MTV Music Video Awards. “Best Song Ever” is literally the best song ever.
    Recently, One Direction has released their newest single “Story Of My Life” on October 28, 2013. It already reached #1 in the charts of 6 different countries. “Story Of My Life” is personal to One Direction because it’s about their life with their families. The music video for “Story Of My Life” shows how much they’ve grown and has pictures of their childhood.
    “Midnight Memories” reached #1 on ITunes when it was available for per-order, which was amazing since the album wasn’t released, and reached #1 once again when it was set out.
    Their songs show how mature they’ve become as artists, in their lyrics, and as people themselves. We’re proud of our boys and hope they continue their success when they go on their “Where We Are” tour in 2014.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire Movie Review
By Zakk, Mauren and Marielle
Digital Media Club

We recommend this movie to preteen students. The acting was very believable and there were a lot of unexpected twists which made it even more exciting to watch the film. The movie was very much like the book, but the only part they missed which was a big part was Haymitch's story of how he won the battle. This upset us because we believed this was critical to telling the story of Catching fire. We wre mad and upset they burned down district 12 because it was sad for the people of district 12. Overall, the dialgoue, acting and action scenes make the movie one to watch.
We give it 4 out of 5 Trojans.

Student Profile of Zakk

Student Profile

Name: Zakk

Grade: 7th

Favorite Subject: Language Arts

Favorite food: Pizza

Favorite band/artist: Drake

Favorite sports team: San Francisco Giants

Favorite book: Diary of a Wimpy Kid

I would travel to: Philippines

How I can make TRP a stronger school: Be nice to everyone I see and interact with

Fun Fact: He likes social media

Teacher Profile of Robert Schmitz Social Studies teacher at TRP Middle School

Teacher Profile

Name: Robert Schmitz

Grade: 6th

Subject: Social Studies

Where I went to school: TRIP

Favorite food: Burmese

Favorite band/artist: Bruce Springsteen

Favorite sports team: Pittsburg Steelers

Favorite book: The Grapes of Wrath

I would travel to: Australia

Advice for students: Set goals and work hard to achieve them

Fun Fact: Attempt to play the Native American Flute and loves to travel.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Teacher Profile of Christian Portillo Math and Science teacher at TRP middle school

Name: Christian Portillo

Grade: 6th

Subject: Math and Science

Where I went to school: San Francisco State

Favorite food: Pizza

Favorite band/artist: Nirvana

Favorite sports team: Oakland Raiders

Favorite book: The Odyssey

I would travel to: Paris France

Advice for students: If you’re successful early, you’ll be successful later on in life

Fun Fact: 1st team for baseball

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Fire Alarm Issues

  On October 31, 2013, there was a fire alarm at Thomas R Pollicita middle school. It was really time consuming. Some people hated it. Some people loved it because it was a chance to miss class. The first bell was surprising and happened during sixth period. We all left the building. We went to the blacktop to sit and wait. Lots of people were confused and chatting with other people asking, “What’s happening?” We all went outside and the principal asked all of us who pulled the alarm, and we learned that maybe it was a joke. We stayed there for about ten minutes. Just sitting down. He told us that if it rings again, don’t evacuate, just continue with class. When we we went back, the bell rung, which meant that we needed to go to seventh period. When we went to seventh period, 5 minutes later, the fire alarm rung again. The intercom told us that it’s just a false alarm and not to worry. Few seconds later, it rings again, and the intercom told us to, “Evacuate the building.” So we went out again, and stayed at the blacktop. It lasted for twenty minutes. 
By Chelsea S-8th grader

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Please Submit 1 of the 2 by Sunday October 13

How do I get started? Submit 1 of the 2 options

#1 - a tweet about “how you would best promote TRP” (be sure to #DesignedByYouth #TRPollicitaMMC)

#2 - email a 200 word description about what you’d blog about,

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Digitial Media Club Starts Monday October 7th

Do you Blog, use YouTube or Tweet?
Join the Digital Media Club
Help promote TRP on social media
What’s in it for you!
  • Front of line lunch pass
  • Spirit points
  • Free food
  • Field Trips
  • Be more involved
  • & other privileges

When: Lunch 5th period - Mondays & Wednesdays

Where: Room 63 - Mr. Lalata

How do I get started? Visit us and see what it’s all about.

Questions? Come on by and ask.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Design is In!

Visit these Sites to See how Education is being Redesigned.
Rhode Island School of Design
The Third Teacher +

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Announcing School Connect Mobile App

School Connect, a mobile app created especially for T.R. Pollicita, is close to being completed. The goal of the app is to bring news, announcements, and all things TRP into the palms of parents. Content will be created and managed by the school's student run Digital Media Club.

If you are interested in learning more about the app or participating in the Digital Media Club, please complete the form below.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Full Moon/Autumn Festival is Here

We are one month in since school started. How are your classes? Are you ready to learn something new? The Digital Media Club @ Pollicita is scheduled to start at the beginning of October.

We are excited about our new schedule.
Our new coordinator.
Our new focus.
Our new members joining us this year.

Stay tuned to learn about exciting updates to the program.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

MMC is now the Digital Media Club

The new Digital Media Club will be held at lunchtime at T. R. Pollicita. We are excited about the new app that will organize all of our blogger posts, twitter tweets, and youtube videos on mobile devices.

Stay tuned for some great articles about the school, community, our experiences and our interests coming soon.

The classroom has yet to be decided but if you are interested email us at so we can update you with more information as soon as we get it.

We can't wait to teach and share with you all the new tricks, tech and knowledge we have.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Happy Summer

Thanks everyone for your hardwork and participation. We look forward to seeing you again next school year. Have a great summer!!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Congratulations MMC for Reaching your Goal!

Thank you everyone for your support!

We hit our goal by 101% and raised $760.

The design for t-shirt is in the works, so stay tuned.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Mobile Media Club is all about CODE

Watch this inspiring video to get motivated by some of the innovators (and billionaires) in tech to explore technology and even more specifically, CODE.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Spy's Report

Hi, this is Collin! This is my short parody of current events at T.R.P. and M.M.C. Enjoy!

PRELUDE  The Valentines Day Dance and the cataclysmic President’s Week have left T.R.P. a smoldering crater....
 Students roam the hallways, fighting over what little school supplies remain....
 The progress reports lurk the mailbox, seeking their next targets....
 This is the new school, in the third semester of the district calendar....
THIS IS THE AFTERMATH!   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SPY REPORT 218 by Agent 007.1
 The rogue group known as M.M.C. has been working on a covert operation codenamed “Project Kickstarter”. This project involves intercepting the emergency wi-fi signals for their own nefarious deeds. They intend to use the Internet to raise money for a evil T-shirt laundering scheme! They will try to trick the survivors into supporting them! We must not delay in stopping +hem! This 5ill call fo34 a Code M2genta. I will re9358rt aga1n soon. 2434 out31956519145900
---------------ENCRYPTION COMPLETE------------------------------------------------------------------------------   

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

 Lunch Time Activities at TRP: win a trip to Six Flags!

LTA stands for Lunch Time Activities. They are activities you can play in order to win spirit points. The spirit points are important because if you have 1,000 spirit points, you can  earn a free trip to six flags!!! Do you want to go to Six Flags? Come and get it! LTA’s are a great idea to those who want to participate and play for it.

LTA’s are during the 4th and 5th period lunches. LTA’s are fun! You can play up to 2 or 3 times and you can earn spirit points just by playing. The names of activities: the first one is Musical Chairs, the second one is Limbo, and the third one is Oreo Eat Off. Those who play and participate can also earn spirit points for other spirit trips. You can earn 1,000 spirit points to go to the Spirit Trip such as Six Flags! Six Flags is an amusement park that has fun rides, roller coasters, and much more! And if you participate in a year you get 1,000 spirit points.

If you’re a student, go to the LTA’s!!! Play to win! We all love six flags, right? Because the school is awesome, we would want it!!! So join and go to the LTA and win SIX FLAGS!!! Enjoy playing Lunch Time Activities and Good Luck!

-j, m, j

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Love is in the air!(So is the flu.) This month we are hosting our annual Valentine dance! Tickets are three chocolate bars worth (thats $3 for you unmathematical people.) Don't wait! The dance is on the 15th and tickets will be on sale until the day before it. On sale near the outside restroom. 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

"Daly City Pride" T-Shirt Design Contest


Something big is coming, and it is not the flu! It is voting for the first TRP t-shirt design contest! We want you to vote on t-shirt designs based around the theme “Daly City Pride”. The winning design will be used for our first MMC fundraiser and the winning designer will be given $50! 9 runner-ups will receive a free t-shirt with the chosen design. Although the submitting period is over, voting forms will come soon, possibly next month! We will keep updated on this, so stay tuned!